What we believe in

What we believe in

"Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world."

-Nelson Mandela

"Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world." This message from Nelson Mandela is our conviction. We believe that citizens can seize the tools of their own empowerment and participate in the foundation of a truly fair and democratic society.

We do not intend to replace traditional learning environments such as family or school. Civic education is a democratization project that recognizes the right of each individual to have access to the widest knowledge base and the necessary tools for citizen and political participation.Through civic education, we believe that the average person can, individually and collectively, assert their citizenship, their right to intervene in public affairs and their capacity to be at the root of social transformation.


Our organization promotes the main principles and values of civic education:

- Individual and collective empowerment;

- The egalitarian and free dissemination of knowledge to all;

- The development and the support of civic action.


Finally, we believe that if civic education is embedded in a given territory, it is a very effective instrument to bring together and unify citizens of different backgrounds, nationalities, religions and communities. Our ambition is to build bridges between the different communities in Lebanon, as well as the Lebanese and Arab diasporas in France.

What we do

What we do

Citizens & Politics is a non-governmental organization of civic education established in France and Lebanon whose essential mission is to offer citizens the tools for independence and the means to influence the construction of a democratic, egalitarian, secular and humanistic society. 

The activity of our NGO is organized around 5 main themes:

- Economy

- Ecology

- Local governance

- History

- Human rights

We work on the academic and practical training of citizens on these five major topics through a twofold approach:

Organization of conference series

What for? The conferences we organize aim to provide each participant with the theoretical prerequisites to understand the issues raised by our 5 themes.

By whom? These conferences are held by French or Lebanese academics, experts or politicians as well as civil society activists.  

For whom? Our conferences are organized in public spaces and broadcasted live on our social networks. They are free of charge and open to all.

Organization of training courses

What for? Our trainings are focused on the dissemination and transmission of knowledge and tools useful for involvement in public and political life. They aim to give participants a basic understanding of the major contemporary issues and practical tools to develop their own actions and civic projects. 

By whom? Our trainings are given by French or Lebanese academics, experts, as well as civil society activists.  They also involve other associations and NGOs in which the participants of our trainings will be temporarily immersed.

For whom? Our trainings are organized in cycles of several months. After a call for applications, we select candidates who are motivated and willing to commit to the training. Our trainings are free of charge and aim at integrating a very heterogeneous public coming from different social backgrounds, age or profession.

Let’s bring back politics to the people!